Cmaysonet's Blog

LoVE n tHE cITy

LoVE n tHE CIty


Destiny, do I believe in it or is it just wishful thinking?  How was I to know when I left my home this morning that I would bump into him again.  I find myself thinking , is this a coincidence or is it destiny?  Why am I struggling with this one after feeling and wondering  about this many times before.  Is it my great need to meet that person who I believe is going to be the one to make me ‘completely happy’ and satisfy me in every area?  A million thoughts go through my mind as I board the bus in route to Brooklyn on this very rainy morning.  We greet each other once again though it has been some time since I saw him last.  “Haven’t seen you in a while” , he says, and I tell him it’s because I’ve taken the train to the city lately.  I notice right away that he looks different, it’s his new haircut nice and short , the way I like it.  All of a sudden I find him attractive and wonder if he feels the same.  I take my seat not too close as I prefer to stay a mystery at this time.  He continues to drive, I imagine the same route he’s repeated over and over for who knows how long.  We remain silent with each other but my mind is not still, it will not give me peace unless I receive a sign that this is meant to be, that I am to know this man as more than just a bus driver.  My stop is coming up and I get up to leave.  As I pass by him to say good-bye he grabs my arm and tells me “Have a Great Day”.  I look down at his hand on my arm which he casually removed then I look up and smile as if  receiving an invitation to a great party.  I say, “by the way I like your haircut, that’s how I like it”,  then looked away as I gracefully stepped off the bus.   That was nice I thought as I walked into Dunkin Doughnuts to get my usual cup of coffee.  Wonder when I’ll see him again?  Will he invite me to dinner?  Will we talk more next time or will he remain silent from shyness?  I wanted to know the answer to these questions in my  head.  But then I knew right away that destiny needed more testing.

December 6, 2009 - Posted by | Uncategorized

1 Comment »

  1. Destiny always a tricky one, its odd how things fall in our path at times, like they are meant to be, some mass plan predetermined, experience and lessons to be learnt.
    Mix that with the “Love” phenomenon and you open up a whole maze of possibilities.
    I do like this post, the romance of it, the thought process that we all go through, times when I have thought the same way, but not knowing if they think or feel the same, then not acting as doubt sets in and opportunity passes, left with regret of the unknown, forgotten and lost.
    My be you should act first?
    Have you ever read Essays in Love? I keep going on about this book! But well worth a read, touches on much of what you mention above, although the title sounds cheesy…its actually a well written, well thought out novel, and goes through all the stages we go through in relationships, from start to end and start again! Even though I tend to be straight laced I found things even I have been guilty of when reading this!

    Comment by Duma Key | December 7, 2009 | Reply

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